Sunday, 27 January 2013

Week: Jan 21 - Jan 27

Tuesday: Crossfit
600 meter rowing
3 round of:
2 by Turkish get up with 12 kilo L/R
10 squat with 12 kilos

Row 500m
Dynamic stretching: Knee to chest, lunge, triangle, twist x 3 each side
Bear Crawl forward/broad jump backward 20ft x 2
10 squats, 5 push-ups x2
Double Under Practice

WOD: 17 minutes
4 round
8 toe to bar
15 hand off push up
10 double under for time

1000 meters swim

Thursday: Crossfit

500 meter rowing
Front Squat

WOD for time:
3 rounds of:
- 750 meters of bike sprint
- 7 front squat (55 kg)
- 12 pull ups

8 miles bike ride

13.34 bike ride (12.1 miles as recorded below plus missing leg)

Thanks for reading,

Serena xx

Week: Jan 14 - Jan 20

800 meter swim

Tuesday: Crossfit
2 round of Cindy
5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats

4 rounds of for minutes of:
- 25 KBS 12Kg
- 300 meter row (as fast as possible)
- box jumps for the rest of the 4 minutes
- each repetition is followed by 4 minutes rest

800 meter swim

Thursday: Crossfit
Rope Climb
2 rounds of Cindy

Helen: Three rounds of 400 meter sprint (run), 21 Kettlebell swings (24 Kg) and 12 pull ups.

2.84 run

800 meter swim

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Week Jan 7 - Jan 13

30' run
Mood: foul

30' min cycle
Mood: cheerful

This day was Crossfit day.

- 400 meter run, various stretches.
- 4 Rounds of:
   - 35 Kg front squat
   - 12 ring pull-ups
   - 45' plank

Kettle bell used: 12 Kg. As John said: 12 Kg is for weak people... but I just came back from vacation!
 - 30 Kettle belts swings
 - 15 Burpees
-  24 Kettlebell Swings (KBS)
 - 12 Burpees
 - 15 KBS
 - 9 Burpees

Mood: This absolutely killed me (too much of pasta the 2 weeks in Italy did it for me)

30' Run
Mood: Pretty Happy

Summary of the week:
In a week I have lost 0.4 Kg. I am well aware that loosing kilos is not the only way to know that I am getting fit but knowing that I have gained 7 Kg from my rowing days (the fittest I ever been) one of my goal is to go back at that weight 62 Kg.

NOTE: My garmin forunner 310 got stolen so for the moment no techie data to display for you. I ll replace it soon :)

Thanks for reading!

Sere x

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Past Sport Experiences and The Naked and Hurtful Truth

As an occasional athlete I think it is only fair to list all the sport activities and challenges I did in the past.

1. Gymnastic as a toddler (Does it even count?!?)
2. Volleyball from 6 yrs old till 24 yrs old. I have broken every possible bones due to this sport. I had 2 knee surgeries (ACL) and as much as I like to say I have never really stopped playing volleyball any now and then I play it again and my body reminds me why I should NOT playing volleyball.
3. Rowing: 1 year. If you guys even wonder why I mentioned this, it is because this only year made me more of an athlete than any other years. We started as completely novice and manage to qualify to Henley!! Thanks to an amazing crew, incredible hard work (circa 20/25 hours training a week) and an amazing coach Dr. Chris George.

4. Running: 2 marathons (Portland and the original marathon).
5. Hiking: Lots of hiking. Including Everest Base Camp and Kilimanjaro.
6. I even attempted a half iron man during my rowing year but did not complete because embarrassingly enough I did not know how to change a tire (no one can help you or you will be disqualified). Rest assure, I now know how to change a tire :)

Why would I call myself occasional Athlete? Because apart from volleyball I alternate incredible active periods to incredible sit down periods (mainly due of studying) and it seems I cannot keep a great balance between the two. If you don't believe me, read the chart below of my current weight and I ll transform you in a believer!

Weight: Let is say all of my effort of loosing weight in my past 4 moths (- 3 Kg) was completely vanished in 2 weeks spend in Italy for Xmas (+ 3.5 Kg). So basically I am starting from square 1 again!

Thanks for reading!

Sere x