Sunday, 27 January 2013

Week: Jan 21 - Jan 27

Tuesday: Crossfit
600 meter rowing
3 round of:
2 by Turkish get up with 12 kilo L/R
10 squat with 12 kilos

Row 500m
Dynamic stretching: Knee to chest, lunge, triangle, twist x 3 each side
Bear Crawl forward/broad jump backward 20ft x 2
10 squats, 5 push-ups x2
Double Under Practice

WOD: 17 minutes
4 round
8 toe to bar
15 hand off push up
10 double under for time

1000 meters swim

Thursday: Crossfit

500 meter rowing
Front Squat

WOD for time:
3 rounds of:
- 750 meters of bike sprint
- 7 front squat (55 kg)
- 12 pull ups

8 miles bike ride

13.34 bike ride (12.1 miles as recorded below plus missing leg)

Thanks for reading,

Serena xx

1 comment:

  1. Una volta tra i cicloamatori toscani si usava un termine specifico per denotare gli occasional athletes: li chiamavano "le bavette". :-P
